Advice, Opinion & News for Entrepreneurs

Category Leadership

Lessons learned in business from the last 3 years

The last three years have brought some of the most complex of situations. The Covid-19 pandemic saw lockdowns and stay-at-home orders the likes of which many of us have never witnessed before. Things may not be back to how they… Continue Reading →

How To Be Less Stressed As A Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, it is so easy to get lost in the stresses of running your business every day and lose sight of simple changes that can ease the pain of being stressed. Everyday stressors include feeling that… Continue Reading →

12 things you should be doing right now to motivate your staff

Of all the resources business owner has to learn to control, their staff is probably the most complex. Keeping your people motivated, enthused and focused on the finish line is critical to the success of your business, but how do… Continue Reading →

The best small business strategies for finding freelancers

One of the most pressing concerns for a small business owner is staffing and wages. This is especially true if you occupy a niche market or are generally a one man or woman band. Instead of a full-time or part-time… Continue Reading →

Better brainstorming – 6 techniques to make the most of your staff

Group brainstorming can be a highly effective way of using the power of the collective mind to address a business related issue. Bringing together all the different skills and experience of your employees in this way can help to inspire… Continue Reading →

How not to run a small project

Is a small project more or less likely to be successful than a large one? Whilst there are many explanations as to why projects fail, these reports rarely distinguish between Enterprise and SMBs, or between a mega-project and a pilot…. Continue Reading →

Is Your Small Team Capable of Delivering Projects on Time

Quite a lot of businesses fail to deliver their projects on time. And many of them often experience project failure. According to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, only 2.5% of companies successfully complete 100% of their projects.

One of the main reasons why most of the projects fail is poor planning. That’s because as many project managers simply jump in a project without taking the time to carefully plan every step of the way and ensure that everything is going to run smoothly.

How is your success rate when it comes to delivering your projects? Do you manage to deliver them on time and within budget? Are all of your projects actually reaching the finish line? Check the questions in the full article and if any one of your answers is negative, then there is definitely room for change and improvement in your project management skills and process.

A Guide For Small Business Owners On Hiring And Managing Staff

Running a small business will always have its ups and downs and whilst the failure rate is high – for instance in the UK 40% of all small businesses fail within the first 5 years the actual number of small businesses is high. With over 5 million SMEs in the UK the success rate means there are at least 3 million businesses running successfully.

Small business owners experience many challenges while building a business from scratch. Every action they take reflects on the business’s progress. This begins with selecting the right small business idea, setting up the right infrastructure, hiring talented staff members and making sure that the management of staff goes well. Anything can go wrong with any one of these tasks and it is unlikely the business owner will have experience in all these areas.

Increasingly too businesses are using freelancers and other self-employed personnel for critical business functions. That is nothing new and has worked well in many organisations over the years, whether on a temporary basis, for example agency staff in care homes to fill staffing gaps or on an introductory basis where a live-in care company introduces live-in carers to prospective clients but then the contract is between carer and client (see

So businesses can be successful, and one success factor is providing the right environment for the employees or those who work on a freelance/self-employed basis. This is why, we have produced a guide that will help you hire the best team members and manage them effectively for your business project.

Why aren’t small businesses taking cyber security seriously?

The cost of data security breaches in the UK has doubled, causing the government to urge businesses to take action. Nowadays, the average cost of the most serious online breaches is almost one and a half million pounds. When you… Continue Reading →

Common Project Management Mistakes

Project management errors can result in lost money, time, and trust. Errors can pull you further away from attaining your goals, and, unfortunately, mistakes are not uncommon when it comes to project management. After all, project management skills are not… Continue Reading →

Software project management challenges

No matter what type of business you run, whether it be financial company or one that deals SEO health checks, project management will play a significant role. The software development industry is one that is booming at present, and it… Continue Reading →

What are the benefits of project management training?

No matter if you work in a successful technical SEO company or an international corporation, project management is going to be one of the key components to success. While a lot of businesses recognise this, they do not invest in… Continue Reading →

Top five common mistakes made by project managers

As a project manager, you recognise that your role is pivotal to the success of the project you are managing. In this post, we are going to highlight some of the most common mistakes made by project managers so that… Continue Reading →

How Can Leadership Style Affect a Business?

As an entrepreneur, you will no doubt have your own style of leadership which helped you to establish a successful business. Effective leadership involves being able to adapt favourably to any given situation and take advantage of opportunities presented to… Continue Reading →

Honing your leadership skills

Being a business owner means you need to be a leader and this is not a role which you can opt out of when the going gets tough. Employees look to you for support and results and, having mentioned the… Continue Reading →

5 key tips for successful delegation

As a business owner it can be tempting to think you’ve got to do it all yourself to get it done right. Despite having a team around you, it can be hard to let go and to delegate those parts… Continue Reading →

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